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Guilds wynn.png

Guilds can be created once you are level 40, by going to the Guild Master in Guild Hall and paying 5 Liquid Emeralds and 5 Soul Points. You can level up your guild by giving it some of the XP that you earn by using the /guild xp [amt] command. Your guild can start with 5 members and will allow +1 each time it levels up. Each territory you own will give your Guild Bank 1/5 of the Emeralds dropped by mobs in this territory, and will receive 300% of the XP gained by anyone in your territory to your guild, so the more territories you control, the stronger your guild will be.

Defending a guild territory

To defend a territory claimed by your guild while you and your members are offline, you may spawn in mobs to defend them using the /guild defend command. As your guild levels up you will unlock new, more powerful mobs to spawn in and defend your territories. When you perform the command while standing in a territory owned by your guild, a window will open that displays the different types of mobs you can buy. You can set the amount of mobs you want to buy of each kind by left- or rightclicking on the corresponding block. The maximum amount for each type is 300 mobs, and the maximum total amount is 1000 mobs per territory. Hit the "buy" button at the bottom right to buy the selected mobs with money from your guild bank. Note that different mobs have different prices, so spend your money wisely!

Attacking a guild territory

When you attack a territory using the /guild attack command, you and all of your participating guild members (they can be on different servers, but must be in the same region) will be teleported into a battle server. There you have to kill all the mobs the enemy guild bought to defend the territory. They can reach up to level 100 and even bosses! If you win, you will gain control of the territory, but if you lose, you will be teleported back to your server as you die and lose 2 SP, however the mobs you killed will stay dead. After waiting 3 minutes, you can attack the territory or a different territory again. During those 3 minutes, the guild in control of the territory can buy additional mobs to replace the killed ones.



  • The creator of the guild: can only have one owner.


  • Can recruit, kick, promote and demote members up to captain.
  • Can attack and defend territories.


  • Can recruit, promote and demote members up to Recruiter.
  • Can attack and defend territories.


  • Can recruit new members for the guild.


  • A normal member of the guild. Unable to use most commands which edit the guild, besides /guild contribute.


Available for all
/guild leaderboard - See the global guild leaderboard (also available on website).
/guild leave - Leave your current guild, at the price of 3 Soul Points.
/guild list - See every member in your guild, and some basic infos about them.
/guild stats - See your guild statistics (also available on website).
/guild log - See the latest guild logs.
/guild xp [amount] - Specify how much percentage of your XP will go towards leveling up your guild.
/guild contribute - brings up the guild contribute interface in which a member can donate Emeralds to the guild.
/g [message] - Talk globally to your guild members in the guild chat.
Available only for Recruiter and higher
/guild invite [name] - Invite a new member to the guild.
Available only for Captain and higher
/guild rank [name] [rank] - Rank up or down a member of the guild (only below your own rank).
/guild attack - Attack the territory you're standing at.
/guild defend - Buy mobs to defend the territory you're standing at.
Available only for Chief and higher
/guild kick [name] - Kick members from the guild (only below your own rank).

» For more information on commands, see Commands.


Guild banners are customizable in the guild menu when clicking the banner of an area, and are used to showcase a guild by means of a banner whenever they control a territory. Each banner is exclusive (and thus no two guilds can have the same banner) and can be changed at an area banner for 10,000 emeralds.

Pedestals for guild banners are upgrade-able when clicking on an area banner, and are displayed whenever the guild controls the territory as the area banner. Pedestals work in a system of tiers, with each upgrade incrementing the pedestal's tier by one. Each upgrade also has a required level for the guild, and if not fulfilled the guild is unable to upgrade their pedestal.

Tier 1
Minimum Guild Level: Emeralds Needed:
Free Free
Example image:
Guild Banner Tier 1.png

Tier 2
Minimum Guild Level: Emeralds Needed:
10 500,000 Emeralds

1 Stack of LE Le stack.png, 58 LE
, 4 EB
and 32 Emeralds

Example image:
Guild Banner Tier 2.png

Tier 3
Minimum Guild Level: Emeralds Needed:
20 1,000,000 Emeralds

3 Stacks of LE Le stack.png, 52 LE
and 9 EB

Example image:
Guild Banner Tier 3.png

Tier 4
Minimum Guild Level: Emeralds Needed:
30 2,000,000 Emeralds

7 Stacks of LE Le stack.png, 40 LE
and 18 EB

Example image:
Guild Banner Tier 4.png

Tier 5
Minimum Guild Level: Emeralds Needed:
40 4,000,000 Emeralds

15 Stacks of LE Le stack.png, 16 LE
and 36 EB

Example image:
Guild Banner Tier 5.png

Tier 6
Minimum Guild Level: Emeralds Needed:
50 8,000,000 Emeralds

30 Stacks of LE Le stack.png, 33 LE
and 8 EB

Example image:
Guild Banner Tier 6.png

Tier 7
Minimum Guild Level: Emeralds Needed:
60 16,000,000 Emeralds

61 Stacks of LE Le stack.png, 2 LE
and 16 EB

Example image:
This banner has not been found ingame yet.

Tier 8
Minimum Guild Level: Emeralds Needed:
70 32,000,000 Emeralds

122 Stacks of LE Le stack.png, 4 LE
and 32 EB

Example image:
This banner has not been found ingame yet.

Calculation Formulas

Formula for the minimum guild level:

Level required = (tier - 1) * 10

Formula for the emeralds needed for tier 2 and higher:

Cost = (2 ^ (tier - 2)) * 500k


  • Guilds were added in the 1.13 Wynnter Update
  • The system will change in a future update.
  • Guilds were originally going to just be permanent parties.
  • You can right-click your Soul Points to open up the guild interface and attack/defend the territory that you are in. (This feature has not been implemented yet.)
  • At a high enough level, you can get Bob's Reincarnation to defend your territories.
  • Before the release of the 1.14 Gavel Expansion, the Guild Master was accessible through a teleporter in Troms.